
From the Annual Meeting (November 2024)

Attendees of the hybrid 2024 PC3 Annual Meeting.

Assembled at the NCI Shady Grove and online, PC3 members discussed updates and new initiates within PC3 during the last year, and the PC3 leadership team gave updates about funding strategies. Lorelei Mucci (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) presented about IRONMAN, a new international cohort of men with advanced prostate cancer, and Kaitlyn Tsuruda (Cancer Registry of Norway) presented new data on capturing aggressive prostate cancer. Attendees shared exciting ideas for future studies that PC3 will be the platform for.

The PC3 Annual Meeting is upcoming (September 2024)

The Annual Meeting of PC3 is confirmed for Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 1:00-2:00 pm ET. If you have not received an invitation with an RSVP link, please reach out to the leadership team. Please register by October 27, 2024. Suggestions for the agenda are welcome. Note that a separate registration is required for the NCI Cohort Consortium meeting.

This year’s annual PC3 meeting: Save the date (May 2024)

The Annual Meeting of PC3 will be held as part of the NCI Cohort Consortium meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 1:00-2:00 pm ET. The meeting will be in person at the NCI campus in Rockville, MD, with a virtual dial-in option. Please reach out to PC3 leadership with any updates or suggestions for the agenda.

Impact of the PC3 definition of aggressive prostate cancer (April 2024)

The PC3 consensus definition of aggressive prostate cancer (also see News from February 2023) has seen rapid uptake in etiologic epidemiology studies. Several dozen studies have employed this definition. As intended, while many studies have used a different primary outcome definition, they provide results for the PC3 definition of stage T4 or N1 or M1 or Gleason score of 8 or greater prostate cancer in supplementary results to facilitate a comparison of results across studies. See a reverse citation search on Google Scholar for a current listing of studies.

From the Annual Meeting (October 2023)

In-person attendees of the hybrid 2023 PC3 Annual Meeting.

The annual meeting brought together in-person attendees at the NCI in Rockville, MD, plus dozens of investigators attending virtually to share updates about recent developments in PC3 and and grant strategies. Ruth Travis (University of Oxford) presented updates on proteins, metabolites, and prostate cancer risk. The attendees also discussed how PC3 can successfully further facilitate collaboration.

Invitation to the Annual Meeting (October 2023)

PC3 members and prostate cancer researchers are invited to the 2023 annual meeting of PC3 as part of the NCI Cohort Consortium Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 12:00-1:00 pm ET. The meeting will take place at NCI Shady Grove (room 3E032/034), with a Zoom dial-in option. Registration is via the Cohort Consortium website.

PC3 definition of aggressive prostate cancer validated (February 2023)

In the era of widespread prostate-specific antigen testing, it is important to focus etiologic research on the outcome of aggressive prostate cancer, but studies have defined this outcome differently. PC3 developed an evidence-based consensus definition of aggressive prostate cancer using clinical features at diagnosis for etiologic epidemiologic research (Hurwitz et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2021). This definition has now been validated by PC3 members in the population-based Janus Serum Bank cohort, linked to the population-based Cancer Registry of Norway (Robsahm et al. Acta Oncol 2023).